Hello dear soul,

I bring good news for all of us, finally announcing that we have a space where you can come and feel our crystals in person.

You may have noticed that I've been a little absent from social media posts, but when you come to me you'll understand why.

I managed to revive the family project that I had been looking forward to for a long time, where I now find myself practicing the first profession I chose, Optometry, but I will never forget nor do I want to put aside my dear Crystals, who help me so much and They encourage you to study and want to deepen your knowledge more and more.

You can find me in Mafra, Lisbon, more precisely on Avenida 25 de Abril, 15-D (in front of Telepizza), the Showroom is in an unlikely place, inside Óptica dos Conselheiros da Visão (Lótus Vision Óptica), the name is obvious it is not?! I know it's not but it's still funny.

My crystalline loves, I'm waiting for you.

With love

Stephanie Ferreira

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