Sejam Bem-Vindos (as)


It is with great joy and with a full heart that I invite you to discover this new project of mine, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, Lotus Crystals.

The year 2020 was tough for many, I'm no exception, but I'm grateful, because if it hadn't been that way, I wouldn't have had the time or the ability to get into various training courses to complement my lack of knowledge in geology, and better understand the functioning of the energy of the stones.

From a very early age, as a child, I liked to collect stones from the beds of streams and rivers whenever I went on vacation to my paternal grandparents, those textures and colors left me enchanted. There were always some favorites that I kept religiously, took them home and displayed them on the shelf in my room. Truth be told, I still do it, now accompanied by my little girl who already understands more than I did when I was her age.

I love these trips to the past, they make me think that nothing really happens by chance. The people who cross our paths over the years and who we later conclude that everything makes sense, everything that was said and done to us, the pieces of the puzzle fit together perfectly.

This project of mine had great support from a friend, Cidália R., who without her support and strength I would not have had the courage to do it, I thank my dear sister-in-law Joana for all the encouragement, corrections and tips for the website, I thank you to my compassionate brother Michael F. for all his support and dedication in the construction of the project and I thank, above all, my husband Pedro and daughter MLeonor, for all their understanding and acceptance of this new member of the family, who takes up much of my time.

I am grateful with a full heart for all the learning process I have had in my life, and this is another one.

I hope you like it, I invite you to share ideas and suggestions with me in order to improve Cristais de Lótus .

With a big hug and a kiss on the heart I say goodbye

Stephanie Ferreira

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